Corbyn’s disastrous plans would hit tenants Landlordzone (19/08/2016)
Campaigners against tax changes to have case heard next month
Landlord News (19/08/2016)
MPs demand govt support for landlords of benefit-backed tenancies
Mortgage Solutions (19/08/2016)
Landlords stop selective licensing scheme (19/08/2016)
Taxpayer money paid to private landlords doubles over 10 years, reaching almost £10bn The Independent (20/08/2016)
Eccentric retired teacher branded benefits cheat
Manchester Evening News (22/08/2016)
Electrical Safety in the Private Rented Sector is “poor”
Installer Online (22/08/2016)
EU nationals fear renting prospects post-Brexit Common Space (22/08/2016)
Rent in Wales Falls During Last 12 Months (June 2015 – June 2016)
Business News Wales (22/08/2016)
More than half of landlords unaware that tenant fees may be scrapped
Landlord Today (23/08/2016)
Industry groups firmly behind call for mandatory Client Money Protection
Landlord Today (24/08/2016)
Inflated fees give letting agents an incentive to “churn” tenants. It’s time to scrap them CityMetric (23/08/2016)
Buy-to-let sales slow over summer Landlord News (24/08/2016)
‘Rogue landlords’ exploit vulnerable families in Govanhill
BBC Scotland (24/08/2016)
Owen Meredith: Building more housing is not enough
Conservative Home (24/08/2016)
Government to miss new homes target by 250,000 shortfall, charity warns
The Independent (24/08/2016)
Where in the UK offers the most attractive uni-let investment opportunity? Housing Management and Maintenance (24/08/2016)
Have the Banks Overreacted Toward Buy-to-Let Landlords Following Brexit? Landlord News (24/08/2016)
Airsorted takes the hassle out of renting your home, but is the 12% fee worth it? Daily Mail (24/08/2016)
Momentum for mandatory Client Money Protection Letting Agent Today (25/08/2016)
Britain’s borrowers are taking advantage of a colling property market and cheap money Business Insider UK (25/08/2016)
Private rents continue to climb, reports ONS Housing Excellence (26/08/2016)
Landlords warned not to make small insurance claims Landlord Today (26/08/2016)