Isn’t it time to embrace ‘Generation Rent’?… Estate Agent Today (27/05/2016) As buy-to-let criteria tighten, what are the options for smaller landlords? Landlordzone (27/05/2016) Property Matters: Capped rent scheme looks unworkable
Investors Chronicle (27/05/2016) Europe: In or out? Your Move Magazine (27/05/2016) Is it time to cash in your buy-to-let? We take a look at whether the figures still add up for landlords Mail on Sunday (28/05/2016) Banning foreigners and second homers won’t fix the housing crisis
The Telegraph (30/05/2016) A Landlord’s Guide to the Mortgage Interest Tax Relief Changes
Landlord News (30/05/2016) Buy to let backlash: rent supply falls year-on-year and renters are set to paythe price City AM (31/05/2016) Lettings agents see rise in landlords selling-up
Mortgage Solutions (31/05/2016) Boris ignored repeated warnings over “unrealistic” landlord scheme
City AM (31/05/2016) Where to invest in buy-to-let properties for the best rental yields
Landlord Today (01/06/2016) Property prices to FALL as landlord taxes ravage the housing market
The Express (01/06/2016) Why landlords should pass a fitting person test and criminal record checks
The Guardian (01/06/2016) Landlords returning to market following ‘stamp duty malaise’
Mortgage Introducer (01/06/2016) Good-bye Buy-to-Let… what’s next on the property investment agenda?!
Building Design and Construction Magazine (01/06/2016) Landlords favouring HMOs to benefit from ‘higher yields’
Letting Agent Today (02/06/2016) The new-look ‘right to rent’ Solicitors Journal (02/06/2016) Nearly half of British landlords feel hard done by the government
Building Construction Design 02/06/2016 How Iceland wants to curb Airbnb rentals to cope with tourism surge
The Telegraph 02/06/2016 Investors want extra stamp duty dropped Times Online (03/06/2016) |