Week ending 07/07/2016
Landlords overtake first-time buyers as Britain’s most enthusiastic house buyers Landlord Expert.co.uk (01/07/2016)
MP backs bid to cut capital gains tax for landlords
Landlord Today (04/07/2016)
Number of rental sector tenant evictions up in England and Wales PropertyWire (04/07/2016)
Dodgy ‘tax avoidance schemes’ could cost landlords thousands
Landlord Today (04/07/2016)
Badly managed HMO ends up with five-figure fine for owner
Letting Agent Today (04/07/2016)
Human rights law and repossession Mortgage Finance Gazette (04/07/2016)
Landlords need more industry and government support to stay on top of ever-changing regulations Property Checklists (05/07/2016)
Landlords urged not to push for rent increases Landlord Today (05/07/2016)
Brexit means MPs must take control of buy-to-let landlords – or face the consequences New Statesman (05/07/2016)
Buy-to-let set to be choked by new rules FTAdviser (05/07/2016)
Landlord diversity leaves regulator facing issues
Mortgage Introducer (05/07/2016)
Warning to Airbnb landlords to make sure they are properly insured for injuries to guests The Argus (05/07/2016)
Record Month for Buy-to-Let in June, Despite Brexit
Landlord News (06/07/2016)
Unexpected rental costs leave tenants out of pocket
Housing Excellence (06/07/2016)
Landlords could be locked out UK towns and cities if new lending rules appliedWhat Mortgage (06/07/2016)
Landlords forced to pay more upfront to meet stricter buy-to-let lending ruleHousing Excellence (06/07/2016)
Revealed: The towns where buy-to-let landlords could be ‘locked out’ of the market if new strict lending rules are applied Daily Mail Online (07/07/2016)
Opinion: The end of Buy to Let – blessing or disaster?24Dash.com (07/07/2016)
Universal Credit forcing landlords into evictions 24Dash.com (07/07/2016)
Aggro between landlords and tenants? No – in fact, quite the reverse
Letting Agent Today (08/07/2016)
Letting agency fined in pioneering law case about tenant deposits
Letting Agent Today (08/07/2016)
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