Rents rise across almost ALL of Britain as new landlord tax takes effect
The Express (06/05/2016)Councillor calls for rent caps on benefit tenants Landlord News (06/05/2016) Britain braced for a ban on second homes: Councils across the UK are set to outlaw the sale of holiday cottages to those who already own elsewhere
Daily Mail (07/05/2016) New London Mayor urged to take action against online home rental companies Travel Mole (09/05/2016) Buy-to-Let Lending Criteria Gets Tougher Landlord News (09/05/2016) The housing bubble is finally bursting – here’s what that means for you
The Independent (09/05/2016) The accidental landlord:shelve your prejudices to find the ideal (09/05/2016) Residential Landlords Moving Away from Traditional Buy-to-Let
Landlord News (10/05/2016) Realising ‘London living rent’ could be Khan’s downfall
Adjacent Digital Politics (10/05/2016) Landlords Could Become Mortgage Prisoners Under New Buy-to-Let Rules Landlord News (10/05/2016) Sadiq Khan vows to expose London’s rogue landlords
Landlord Today (10/05/2016)
Action needed to protect tenants Landlordzone (11/05/2016) Landlords under siege? Housing Excellence (11/05/2016) Housing bill stand-off will ‘go to the wire’ (11/05/2016) Housing market shows signs of a “sore head” following March’s buy-to-let buying frenzy Housing Excellence (11/05/2016) Judgement clears way for more homes on small sites
The Construction Index (12/05/2016) Landlords think there will be less money in BTL Landlordzone (12/05/2016) Twice as many private renters being evicted as when David Cameron first came to power The Independent (12/05/2016) PROPERTY WARNING: Huge signs of house price CRASH as buyer numbers plunge The Express (12/05/2016) Sadiq Khan’s rent caps could benefit London landlords CityAM (12/05/2016) Renters have 18-month average tenancies – but void periods can be lengthy Letting Agent Today (13/05/2016) |