Week ending 15/07/2016
Rent rises are ‘inevitable’ as landlords try to stay in business after tax clampdown on buy-to-let, experts warn Daily Mail (08/07/2016)
Complaints of illegal evictions rise 50pc as more landlords ignore rules to get tenants out The Telegraph (08/07/2016)
Public perceptions of housing in the UK – what will the housing mix look like in five years‘ time? Chartered Institute of Housing (08/07/2016)
Countrywide says buy to let purchases now at a six year low
Letting Agent Today (11/07/2016)
A third of tenants are subletting without landlord’s consent
Landlord Today (11/07/2016)
Tenants will pay the price of landlord tax changes, warns Residential Landlords Association Housing Excellence (11/07/2016)
Rents continue to rise across the UK Landlord Today (12/07/2016)
Rental prices increased in June – but the market has been cooling off during the start of this year City AM (12/07/2016)
Rents continue to rise but growth is slowing
Mortgage Introducer (12/07/2016)
Buy-to-let investors looking North Landlord News (12/07/2016)
Homebuyers with small deposits beware: Lenders to crack down as Brexit fears threaten second credit crunch Thisismoney.co.uk (12/07/2016)
Rental prices increase in Wales by 3.4 per cent
Free Press Series (12/07/2016)
Landlord survey to assess state of the PRS Landlordzone (13/07/2016)
Landlords flood rental market Landlord Today (14/07/2016)
Britain must build ‘1.2 MILLION new homes’ just to keep up with demand
Daily Express (13/07/2016)
HMO yields greater than other rental property types
Landlord News (13/07/2016)
Council halts private rental licensing idea after “overwhelming hostility”
Letting Agent Today (14/07/2016)
Landlords to Hammond: Scrap Osborne’s tax rises and “reset” approach to private rented housing Housing Excellence (15/07/2016)
The Edwards v Kumarasamy repairs case
LordlordZone (15/07/2016)
Lords demand new gov’t acts quickly to tackle the housing crisis
FT Adviser (15/07/2016)