Week ending 17/06/2016
Right to Rent Named a Top Cause of Stress for Landlords
Landlord News (10/06/2016)
Growing unrest among Conservative MPs over buy-to-let tax changes
What Mortgage (10/06/2016)
Rents rise 3.5% to £872 a month as landlords reorganise property portfolios amid tax clampdown Mail Online (10/06/2016)
Landlords passing buy-to-let tax changes on to tenants, as rush to incorporate continues Mindful Strategy (10/06/2016)
Demand for rental properties in UK increased in first quarter of 2016
Property Wire (13/06/2016)
CGT is top landlord concern Mortgage Introducer (13/06/2016)
Punishing landlords will not help more people onto the property ladder
The Times (14/06/2016)
Name the crooks 24Dash.com (14/06/2016)
Anger over private rental licensing bid which could hit 10,000 homes
Letting Agent Today (14/06/2016)
Accidental landlord:Brexit will make it harder to check if tenants are in the UK illegally Homes and Property.co.uk (14/06/2016)
Crackdown on London’s short-let landlords: Kensington and Chelsea council gets tough on Airbnb-style rentals as neighbours lodge noise complaints
HomesandProperty.co.uk (14/06/2016)
Buy-to-Let Landlords to Pay Extra £10,000 in Mortgage Crackdown
Landlord News (14/06/2016)
Landlords overtake first-time buyers are Britain’s most enthusiastic house buyers The Telegraph (14/06/2016)
Landlords up rent to meet tax hikes Moneywise (14/06/2016)
Buy-to-let landlords adopting new strategies… Landlordzone (15/06/2016)
Investors could pay £10,000 more to secure mortgage
Landlord News (16/06/2016)
London rounds on government over housing 24Dash.com (16/06/2016)
Buy-to-let investors now have one eye on overseas markets
Landlord Today (17/06/2016)
What impact will a Brexit vote have on the UK property and mortgage markets? What Mortgage (17/06/2016)
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