Week Ending 23/06/2017
Half of landlords unlikely to let to tenants without a British passport, claim Property Industry Eye (19/06/2017)
Renters warned of fake property scam where fraudsters are posing as landlords to get people to hand over their credit card details
Daily Mail (20/06/2017)
Revealed: The best UK areas to buy holiday lets, as ‘Airbnb effect’ and weak pound pumps up income to double that of residential lets
City AM (20/06/2017)
UK rental system ‘not fit for purpose’ claims new report
Property Reporter (20/06/2017)
Call for regulated inventories to become compulsory in UK lettings market Property Wire (20/06/2017)
End demonising of poorest, say housing leaders 24Housing (20/06/2017)
Landlord Ministers Leading Grenfell Fire Response Told To Resign Over Voting Record On Housing Huffington Post (20/06/2017)
The Government’s Ban On Letting Fees Shows That Private Renters Are Becoming A Force To Be Reckoned With Huffington Post (21/06/2017)
Rental Market Left in “Limbo” Following Queen’s Speech
Landlord News (22/06/2017)
Agents ask: Why did we even bother with fee ban consu…
Letting Agent Today (22/06/2017)
Buy to let clampdown has “backfired” on the Government
Property Industry Eye (22/06/2017)
Housing market getting closer to supply and demand balance – Bank of England Property Industry Eye (22/06/2017)
The British housing crisis, in five charts CityMetric (22/06/2017)
Government crackdown on landlords is misjudged and nowhere is that clearer than for social tenants…writes SARAH DAVIDSON Daily Mail (23/06/2017)
Lenders call for a break in the war on landlords as buy-to-let lending forecasts drop Property Industry Eye (23/06/2017)
What does the recent political upheaval mean for property in the UK?
Property Reporter (23/06/2017)
BREAKING NEWS: Police consider manslaughter charges over Grenfell Tower inferno as they reveal fire was started by a Hotpoint freezer and cl…
Daily Mail (23/06/2017)
Buy-to-let landlords face triple threat FTadviser (23/06/2017)
Letting agents ‘use holding deposit system to take advantage of desperate renters’, Which? warns London Evening Standard (23/06/2017)
Right To Rent may be tweaked as part of Brexit proces…
Letting Agent Today (23/06/2017)
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