What the housing bill means The Times (22/05/2016) Barclays tightens buy-to-let properties lending rules City A.M. (22/05/2016) Civil Justice Council decides against new housing court
Litigation Futures (23/05/2016) More UK landlords set to invest in homes overseas
Landlord Today (23/05/2016) Will one-bed flats see largest capital gains in 2016?
Landlord News/City AM (23/05/2016) House Prices Would Rise Whether We Stay or Leave the EU
Landlord News (23/05/2016) Where to Buy Along the Crossrail Route Landlord News (23/05/2016) Top tip for landlords seeking capital gains Landlord Today (24/05/2016) Rents continue to rise as tenant numbers outstrip supply
What Mortgage (24/05/2016) Barclays hits landlords in loan lockout with buy-to-let borrowers forced to prove their rent equals 145% of their repayments
Thisismoney.co.uk (24/05/2016) ‘Trouble in paradise’: National estate agency boss warns of big slump in buyers after buy-to-let rush and that house prices have hit a ceiling
Daily Mail Online (24/05/2016) Landmark case sees rogue Sheffield ‘landlord’ in court for sub-letting his council house then kicking out tenant Yorkshire Post (25/05/2016) New laws on rogue landlords Environmental Health News (25/05/2016) Buy to let investors are feeling the heat: What are the alternatives for gaining exposure to residential property? City AM (26/05/2016) Landlords seeing more dirty properties at checkout
Landlord News (26/05/2016) As buy-to-let criteria tighten, what are the options for smaller landlords?Landlordzone (27/05/2016) Sadiq Khan attacks empty luxury flats, but his housing policies are also void The Guardian (27/05/2016) |