Week Ending 4/08/2017
Shelter demands ‘power shift’ in favour of private te… Letting Agent Today
£127m in Stamp Duty returned to home owners caught by surcharge rule Property Industry Eye
Landlords business confidence slumps amid nerves for rental sector prospects Mortgage Solutions
Landlords beginning to adapt to new market Landlord News
The Right to Buy scheme will be suspended in Cardiff Wales Online
Young tenants in crisis as landlords turn them away (The Times) paywall
Landlords are turning young people away from renting for fear of late payment (The Independent)
Should I ditch my expensive letting agent and advertise my buy-to-let property for free online instead?(Thisismoney.co.uk)
Hundreds of thousands to use pensions to pay off mortgages (FTAdviser)
Best rental yields found up North (Every Investor)
Landlords accused of discrimination by 38% of students (Mortgage Solutions)
Trade body establishes ‘research lab’ to inform letti… (Letting Agent Today)
Landlords call for ‘full review’ of fire safety (Fire Risk Management)
Buy to let landlord with four or more properties? How to beat tough new lending criteria (Moneywise)
Sluggish house prices ‘will deliver a buyers’ market’ as Nationwide tips growth of just 2% this year (Mail on Sunday)
Is Airbnb damaging Camden? This group thinks so (Hampstead and Highgate Express)
Landlord prosecuted over gas safety failure (HVP)
As rents rise, how should landlords decide what to charge on their buy-to-let? (Which?)
Lettings demand to stay high as ‘30% of tenants plan never to buy. (Letting Agent Today)
Number of overseas landlords with properties in Britain tumbles – with London seeing the biggest fall, as Brexit and tax hikes bite (Thismoney.co.uk)
London mayor to seek new powers over housing (24Housing)
News: Top 10 postcodes for buy-to-let in London (Home.co.uk)
Rooms for improvement How to solve Britain’s housing crisis (The Economist)
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