Peers call for radical change in Government’s approach to tackling the housing crisis Housing Excellence (15/07/2016)
Landlords urge Welsh government to introduce a new tax to boost rented housing supply Housing Excellence (15/07/2016)
New Chancellor has been buy to let investor – so will policies change?
Letting Agent Today (18/07/2016)
Brexit-focussed May eventually names Gavin Barwell as housing ministerLandlord Today (18/07/2016)
New Chancellor urged to suspend stamp duty Landlord Today (18/07/2016)
Theresa May Is Right to Target the Housing Crisis
The Blog – Huffington Post (18/07/2016)
One million homes by 2020 not enough, says EAC The Planner (18/07/2016)
We need nothing short of a wholesale review of housing policy after Brexit
The Guardian (18/07/2016)
Sian Berry launches Big Renters Survey to help fight the London housing crisis The Wharf (18/07/2016)
A quick guide to new housing and planning minister Gavin Barwell
The Guardian (19/07/2016)
Assembly urged to scrap its 3% buy to let stamp duty surcharge
Letting Agent Today (20/07/2016)
Tenancy length hits five-year high Landlord Today (20/07/2016)
Private rental sector is the ‘new home of poverty’ in the UK
The Guardian (20/07/2016)
Green Deal energy loads had abysmal take up BBC News (20/07/2016)
Sadiq Khan and the battle against bad landlords The Guardian (20/07/2016)
Right To Rent: guidelines clarified over foreign student checks
Letting Agent Today (21/07/2016)
UK Housing Crisis Could Mark Return Of Slums Sky News (21/07/2016)
Government provides details of buy to let interest tax relief change
Letting Agent Today (21/07/2016)
Private rented sector in UK seeing rapid growth, new tenant survey revealsProperty Wire (21/07/2016)
New housing minister has gone on record opposing rental licensing Letting Agent Today (22/07/2016)
To clear up Cameron’s housing mess, here’s your to-do list, Gavin Barwell The Guardian (22/07/2016)